Picture-Perfect Places

National parks are full of thousands upon thousands of locations that offer unparalleled opportunities for photographers. Many of them are well-known, and many of them are secrets to all but a few.

Here we celebrate both. Photographers from all over the U.S., and all over the world, who are fans of working in the national parks can share a favorite spot of theirs, and we can all benefit from one another’s knowledge and experience. (Submit your own Picture-Perfect Place here.)

Below are some great locations for photography throughout the national park system.

Picture-Perfect Places: Sarvent Glacier Cross-Country Zone, Mount Rainier

March 2, 2016

I love the Sarvent Glacier Cross-Country Zone for its remoteness and the fact that it is so untouched by people. There’s only one permit issued at a time for this area, so it’s just you. You literally have all those hundreds of acres completely to yourself.

Picture-Perfect Places: Mahogany Hammock, Everglades

January 13, 2016

Mahogany Hammock in Everglades National Park is beautiful as a “forest” subject, but the primary attraction here is the barred owls. Go at the right time, and you’re almost guaranteed to find some to photograph.